The Chicago Fire's Matt Watson is an international, hip-hop-producing, vegan man of mystery | SIDELINE

Fire's Matt Watson: international vegan man of mystery | SIDELINE

The Chicago Fire may be hanging out well below the red line. But here’s something to cheer fans: They can at least boast of rooting for Matt Watson, who, according to a new feature in the Telegraph, boasts a pretty packed extracurricular resume.

Just check out the lede of the story that rattles off this list of descriptors:

“Matt Watson: husband, father, vegan, minimalist, atheist, beat producer, Gooner, footballer for Chicago Fire.”

While his choice of BPL team might prove as controversial to some as his spiritual leanings, let’s check out the rest, shall we? Between bean-and-tofu-filled meals, in the story we learn Watson also occasionally tinkers with beat-making, having completed an entire hip-hop album with his wife, Cat.

Unfortunately, that opus seems to be lost to the internet, but you can see a bit of Watson hitting the drum machine in this video made during his tenure at the Whitecaps, and read the entire Telegraph feature here.